How can O'Bama solve our health care problems?

He has no experience at all.


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Exactly, he has no experience at all.


He will solve some of them,but not all of them, you have to realize that if he is elected president he will only be the commander and chief and all he can do is sign off on things once congress approves of it. If they don't approve of his proposals, he will have to come up with another agenda that can be approved. Obviously he will be tried if he is elected,but I think he will persevere through it all.Truth be told, ( I think everyone knows this if they don't their being naive) no matter who is elected in office now,whether it be Mccain or Obama they will not solve all of the health care, financial,or war problems this world is going thru now.Both presidents say they will do things that will help the economy but the truth is only half of those things (or even a smaller amount) will happen (The only thing congress did with there so called bail out plain was patch up a few holes in a severly leaking roof when it clearly needs a brand new one).I will admit that even though Bush hasn't been the best president, he has done somethings that have help the economy that he said he would go thru on,albeit during his finals hours in office. Even without the experience Obama just seems to have something about him that only few people have. When he talks people listen and he has unwavering determination and confidence.Even though he has no experience I think he will make much needed changes that Mccain could never make.If Obama is elected he will only be the start of something that would eventually turn the economy around but one or two terms in office is not going to clean up the mess were in now. It could take twenty years or more! It's good to talk about things like this,but everyone has their own opinons that they will agree with or disagree on.Some will proabably agree with what I say others won't.In a way it's pointless because nothing probably will come of it and in a way it is,because we get to enlighten each others on things that we don't know. I guess thats why the only way we'll get a definite answer is to vote on November 4,2008.


You will only be able to get it under control by nationalizing your insurance plans.
It is not the cost of the doctors or the nurses.
It is not even the cost of your hospitals that make health insurance so bloody expensive in USA.
It is the simple fact that your health insurance companies are profit driven and have you over a barrel.
You pay more than twice as much in taxes per person treated another country like Canada and get worse care.
The lions share of the money gets soaked up in administration charges from the insurance companies.

Stephanie M2008-10-19T05:20:57Z

Obama and McCain both propose to spend approximately 100 billion in order to improve our current health care system, although, the money each proposes will be used in two very different ways:

"New studies from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center and the policy journal Health Affairs suggest that Obama’s proposal would eventually cover more than 34 million of the roughly 47 million Americans currently without insurance, while McCain’s would cover at best 5 million uninsured.

Obama’s plan relies on a variety of measures to reduce the number of uninsured, such as increasing the number of people in programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, requiring all children to have insurance and offering subsidies for people who cannot currently afford insurance.

Obama’s plan was crafted with the intention of creating universal health insurance, although both studies suggest some people would remain uninsured. McCain, meanwhile, touts his plan as one that will rely more on the consumer market to reform health care. Again, McCain is offering less regulation just like he supported less regulation in the banking industry that created the foreclosure crisis. When will McCain open his eyes and see the disaster that deregulation creates. McCain just doesn’t get it.

Obama and McCain propose to spend the SAME amount of money on health care but Obama WILL COVER 34 million versus McCain’s 5 million - that’s 7 to 1. I understand why McCain says he doesn’t know much about the economy.

The big expense threat to most Americans in the next decade is not oil or food prices, but the rising cost of health care. The doubling of health insurance premiums since 2000 makes employers choose between cutting benefits and hiring fewer workers. Rising health costs push total employment costs up and wages and benefits down. The result is lost profits and lost wages, in addition to pointless risk, insecurity and a flood of personal bankruptcies. "

Also, in regards to your comment about Obama having zero experience ; Barack Obama actually has had a consistent voting record on the senate floor in regards to health insurance and RX policies.


I don't think anyone can solve this problem.
Health care costs have grown to enormous levels. This is partly because there are new medical treatments being discovered and applied all the time. Each one of these new treatments add a new cost to health care that hasn't been there before. Forty years ago, who ever heard of an MRI or orthoscopic surgury or all kinds of other treatments? They didn't exist. But now, if your son or daughter needs one of these, would you say, "This is too expensive, I thnk we'll just do things the old-fashioned way". I don't think so.
The other problem is that insurance companies have to take their cut in every medical transaction that takes place. It's like a middle-man mark up that just adds to the cost. Also consider the cost of processing insurance claims by medical providers. They have to hire full-time staff to take care of this.
The third problem is the constant wave of immigrants -- legal or not. Most of these are too poor to afford insurance coverage. They end up not being able to pay for their treatment, but can't be turned away. In order to make up for this, everyone else is charged more.
Now all of these problems are going to continue to contribute to the increasing costs of health care. Whoever gets elected is going to have trouble coming up with some kind of plan. We won't be able to afford to pay for everyone's medical expenses. So what do you do? My mother has a friend in New Zealand. They have socialized medicine. Her friend needed by-pass heart surgury, but got put on a waiting list because of limited resources. He ended up paying for it himself because he considered the possiblity that he could have died before his "turn" came up on the waiting list. The big question is how do you fairly distribute a limited supply of resources (medical services)? We can't afford to pay for everyone to do to the doctor or to the hospital whenever they want. I don't think anyone has thought about that. They are certainly not talking about it.

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