Backward B attack on lady?

Why would he scratch a back ward B on a woman he was attacking? Why would the B not be normal? Or did the lady do it to herself while looking in a mirror?


Well that it is. She worked for RNC and did it to herself.


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Yeah she did it herself....that is why the attack was on tape.

Get real.


Hey, youse folks that immediately took that deranged woman's word as truth and thought "ain't that just like the looney left!!!". How do you feel now?

Of course she did it to herself. The other bad thing is that she played the race card as well by saying some "dangerous" ***** carved a B in her face.
And, some of you fell for it. The American public can be too easily manipulated. Now, that's quite scary.


Remember we are talking about the alleged act of a criminal

Criminals are not know for their intelligence

I will take this womans word until it is proven to be false.


What in the world are you talking about? try providing more information.


Perhaps its gang related. Or she did it to herself.

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