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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw Enforcement & Police · 1 hour ago

Will Derek Chauvin be acquitted because he's been overcharged?

1 Answer

  • 27 mins ago

    To any rational community ,Chauvin has been "overcharged" . 

    There was no racism, or "intent " in Floyd's death , officer Chauvin would have acted in exactly the same way ,if Floyd had been a large white male resisting arrest and behaving erratically .But a huge amount of time and effort has been now been invested  by  BLM supporters, and the black community generally ,into getting a conviction .We have even had the unsavoury spectacle of sycophantic witness after witness lining up, just  to show that they are on side with that message.This tragedy was a failure in police training and procedure -- it has become a glaring embarrassment and failure of  the American justice system . 

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