Ps3 problem or tv problem?.....?

i just got a ps3 and we took it to my friend's house cuz he has hd tv and everything worked...
when i took it to my house, i tried it after 1 day on my trinitron sony tv(not HD)... it didn't work???? is it tv's problem? like when i took it to my house, there's no audio or video or anything when i turn it on... i plug in everything alright, and i changed the setting back.. i think the game is running, but nothing is showing on the screen??? its one of the video channals right? what's going on?


Favorite Answer

i asked the same question a view months a go because i had this problem all it is the settings stick on hd even thou you changed it back hold the reset botton then turn your ps3 on then keep it hold for about 10 secs then it will switch hd to sd !


in simple terms to verify, make some attempt to objective it with yet another television (perhaps your pal's television in case you have not have been given yet another television at residing house) and discover out. I had a concern with my PS3 earlier. It substitute into pixelizing. yet I made advantageous first that it is the PS3. Then I called Sony and that they arranged me fpr replace precise away. interior a week, I had a clean PS3.