Would you describe yourself as a practical person who is good at real life or as a dreamer who fantasizes?
Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.
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Or perhaps a bit of both. Please explain with examples and experiences.
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Favorite Answer
Both. What many define as daydreaming I define as creative visualization. My practical skills are responsible for the success of my "fantasy". Is ambition a creative visualization? Probably at least it plays into the grand scheme of things. As a youth, I wanted to attend college. I grew up on a large farm in Southern IL. Education for females was definitely not a priority for this milieu. So, I found employment in a respected position, enrolled in a community college resulting in a degree in "mechanical drafting", and away I went. I am now a professional in a valuable and respectable position. This is the result of creative visualization.
A bit of both. A Practical Dreamer /Fantasizer that puts those Dreams to work.
I am definitely practical, because I take care of me, maybe too practical, come to think about it, but in the real life scenario of today
how can a person have dreamy dreams, I don't think so. I still love life and do not feel like I am walking on egg shells, I've already been there, Smile and keep on going.
Miz D
I am a bit of both. My family and friends know I'm the dependable person who keeps promises, takes care of "business" when family disasters happen and has good sense. The other part of me is the dreamer who loves to read mysteries, watch adventure movies, and daydream about sunny vacation spots. A person can only take so much reality without a break.
Just Joyce
I am an extremely practical person. . . A single mother who raised her children alone, has to be ! I am also religious, and thank God every day for the blessings He has given me.. . . and I think I am more of an optimist than a dreamer . I set a goal, and I go for it, I don't sit around waiting for it to happen. . . That goal may be astronomical, but hey, it is fun trying to achieve it . Good Question !