Anyone familiar with "Yellow Journalism"?

Seems to be prevalent amongst more than the press these days. Let's stop with the no win questions. It reeks of McCarthyism.For example: Please answer Yes or No Mr. McCain, Are you still beating your wife?
This just burns me up. No matter who you support, ethics and morals don't have to be the price of partisanship.

Wounded Duck2008-10-29T10:35:22Z

Favorite Answer

Thank YOU! I couldn't agree more! Election cycles seem to make morons out of mostly caring people.Every day I see hundreds of posts designed to make the asker seem intelligent, while denigrating anyone who disagrees. Good Christian people seem to forget the Ten Commandments, if they have a political agenda they want to push.


Yellow journalism is journalism that downplays legitimate news in favor of eye-catching headlines that sell more newspapers. It may feature exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, sensationalism, or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or journalists.

Jem A'dar2014-08-10T14:13:46Z

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