Chris I
Favorite Answer
No...most of them don't identify themselves in that manner...
However, most of the people in prison are the product of their environment...most people don't commit crime just to commit crime...not an excuse for them but a fact...if you change their environments in a positive way (before they become criminals) they are much less likely to engage in crime...
And for those of you who think they are or would be Democrats I should point out to you, athe majority of serial killers, socio-paths and rapists tend to have more conservative views and tend to be "more" religious than those that commit other crimes
The prison population is between 65% and 85% liberal democrats. If you think that's bad you should look into the liberal democrat population of mental institutions. It's a known fact that liberals go off the deep end and conservatives grab a gun and climb a clock tower.
Well Its a fact that the majority of those in prison fall into low income categories. It is also a fact that most Low income voters vote Democrat.
Think about it, both liberals and criminals want the same thing:
Steal money from the rich and give it to the poor.
the d
liberals 50% the other 0%
Don't know and I don't care. If they are in prison they are criminals and thus not allowed to vote.