Is the abortion issue the main issue for your vote this year?

My husband is completely Pro-Life and I consider myself Pro-Life, however, to me, it is a secondary issue. The war, the economy, healthcare and other issues are more important. The abortion issue, to me, is very secondary.
What is the main issue that is causing you to choose this year who you will cast your vote for?


I am not happy with Obama's stance on not protecting a child born alive in a botched abortion. It's very extremist in my mind.
I really believe making the economy healthy and stable will prevent a lot of women from having to consider abortion - they will have options, opportunities, etc...
I don't agree with either candidate 100%, but I can see eye to eye with Obama on many issues this year.


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top 3 for me is the economy, health care, and the war. I am a big supporter of Pro-Life, but to me that is not the main issue.


I could give a damn less about the issue, but I favor small government, with less impact on it's populace. Supposedly the stance of the GOP yet they want to legislate a moral view on millions of citizens who don't share it! What's the fricken' point in that? Better for it to be legal to get an abortion and have it be safe then for it to be a black market sort of thing so that some ******** religioso can sleep better thinking that their viewpoint is more valid than billions of others because it's got legislative backing.

But, no, I didn't think it was a big issue, I was surprised it didn't come up more. As many straws as McCain/Palin were pulling for I figure that would come up at least a dozen times.


it is not purely "Evangelical Christians" who're by contrast; it is Catholics, too, which make up over one billion human beings in the international. the subject has won "steam" this previous decade through fact the further and extra medical learn that's carried out on the topic of abortion and existence interior the womb from the very earliest tiers, it is going to become obvious and obtrusive that that's certainly taking the existence of a youngster. And the greater medical learn comes out, the weaker the pro-determination component's arguments substitute into. Ultrasounds, genetics (as all of us are conscious of it right this moment), and fertility learn have been basically non-existent 35 years in the past, or the technological awareness grew to become into bogus. maximum criminal pupils right this moment, even the pro-determination ones, understand that the criminal opinion written by utilising the courtroom is heavily improper and poorly built. From a criminal viewpoint, Roe V. wade can by no potential be overturned through guy proper to privateness subject it desperate. For abortion to be made unlawful, a sparkling criminal precedent must be argued. that's greater handy reported than achieved. We now understand that abortion is homicide. There are approximately 4 million harmless unborn toddlers murdered each and every three hundred and sixty 5 days. So, to all and sundry with a set of morals who is familiar with the subject, that's a great deal to proceed combating it. it is a similar theory whilst the U. S. initially reported that slaves have been 3/5 of a individual (or despite it grew to become into). could you have argued then that it is not your organization and you basically are worried approximately paying the lease? i do no longer recommend to shrink your circumstances...that's a hard international available, fairly now. a girl's "determination" shouldn't come earlier than the existence of her toddler. If she's no longer able or unwilling to look after it, there are possibilities besides killing it. And, frankly, she ought to have theory approximately that until now playing a romp interior the sack. it is not forcing her to hold the toddler. She made that determination. She is conscious finished properly that in case you have intercourse, you will possibly be able to desire to probably get pregnant. No toddler ought to pay the proper value purely through fact he has irresponsible father and mom.


The thing is, there are many issues to consider when voting. Even McCain does not want to overturn row v wade.

If that is the only issue he considers, then he has issues!

More people are losing their jobs and homes than are having abortions.


I am pro choice but voted McCain for national security reasons and the economy. The abortion issue is not high on my list this time.

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