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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

How does McCain's position on hope and change differ from Obama's position on these two important issues.?

Obama has made "hope" and "change" his two main campaign issues. I must therefore assume McCain is either against these two things or that he wants to privatize hope and change. What do the Democratic and Republican platforms say about hope and change? These are vital issues and before I vote I want to fully understand where the candidates stand on hope and change.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a democrat voting for McCain. I am 24..female , of egyptian muslim ( but escaped islam and the family is all Christian now ) heritage , and in grad school.

    Obama continues to emphatically remind the world he promises to remain loyal to islam no matter what. That part of what he says in his quest to become president has not changed one tiny bit. The "debate" of last night means nothing to me with all of his "Jesus died for my sins " junk. I KNOW what Wright taught him for 20 years. It is the one thing I have not seen him change his mind about UNLESS he is in front of a Christian audience and has to use some key words to make people think ( to fool them ) he is christian. That is the kind of basic change which proves to me he is bereft of interior good character. His big legislation push was for partial birth abortions which is the violent forcing of steel rods into the tiny brains of tiny defenseless babies as they are being born into the world in the very late term of pregnancy.. He calls children punishments. I am personally ashamed of the Democrats for putting him forward because he does not mind shaming America everywhere and anywhere. Putting him forward as a possible president is sickening because it proves the Democratic party does not even care what kind of person they put out there.. they just want to win no matter what. So.. as a democrat.. I am voting for McCain. At least he loves his country and pledges allegiance to it.

    Look up the word taqiyya to help see .

    McCains hope? That America will not be destroyed by stupidity world wide and inside our own borders for at least the next four years on his watch should he become the next president. McCain believes in equality of the genders.. he pays females approximately $6000 more per annum than males and makes sure he hires females with excellent credentials and educations.. Obama hires women and pays them less than their equally experienced male counterparts more than $6000 BELOW what the men earn. I have noticed Obamas campaign trying to play this off as nothing..but truthfully it means much since Islam thinks women are worth much less than men.

    Obama also wants to place a global tax on Americans to force them to give to countries being overtaken by Islam ( in Africaa ) a huge portion of OUR money to them via the UN which is also largely leaning to Islam. I think we need to LEAVE the UN and stay our of the EU and drill our own oil to REMOVE the Saudi cloud of slavery to them from over us.

    Source(s): Islam = slavery America = freedom
  • 1 decade ago

    Well I think in order to understand both candidates views on "hope and change" you need to first know what they stand for. Many here will tell you what they think rather what is true. The truth is that neither candidate has fully addressed "hope and change". Obama has stated that America is ready for a change, but he never really stated what that change was or is. Sure he has come up with his ideas and even voiced his approach to the American public but I think he needs to better define his position. McCain is the same way. He has not defined "hope and change". However unlike Obama "hope and change" is not his platform. His platform seems to be more towards continuing the same trends that Bush has with his own approach in addition to what already is. My advice to you is to closely watch the news, and research each candidate to better make your decision..

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain has made it clear that he hopes for some change, and he has always been against changing the public hope, and like most conservatives, he is against govt interference in a citizens' hopes for a future, as for privatizing public hope, McCain's position is that govt funded hope is ineffective and he believes that a citizen is the one who best knows what hope is and how to pay for it. On the other hand, O'bamma is for govt mandated hope, and hope vouchers, On the issue of change, McCain flip flops, as he wants to change bad things, but he also does not want to change good things, where as o'bamma wants change at all costs, regardless of what it is, his philosophy is "any change is good change",and he fully supports change for everyone. when asked how he plans to pay for this change, O'bamma says he has a plan to convert the countries paper currency to coinage, when pressed for details, o'bamma stutters a bit and says he doesn't have all the details because "there are 5's and 10's and benjamins and we're not sure if the treasury has enough inventory to supply all the change that americans hunger for because of the total lack of change over the last 8 years"

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a ridiculous assertion that any political candidate is against hope and change. Anyone running for president believes they can change things for the better.

    Hope and change are not viable political platforms. They just sound good on TV.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well to be completely honest they are the two peas from the same pod, McCain unfortunately has been corrupted beyond any doubt and will be the same as electing a George Bush's third term. Obama corruption process is just beginning but still being fresh he has a bit of honesty about him which may change Washington a bit, but the DC is powerful and changes the candidates quickly... and Obama does not let religion rule his politics.... and from Bush this is a change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lol...Well the difference is that Obama SAYS those words alot. They are completely meaningless without action

    I would trust more in McCain to bring us back into prosperity due to his 25 yrs of leadership in US congress.. Obama has basically done nothing politically

  • Both candidates want people to be hopeful and want some form of change. The candidates don't have to disagree on every topic. Hope and change are just fake things anyway. Everyone wants hope and change. The election is about what you believe on the issues and what kind of change you want.

    McCain: Less spending, tough on enemies (not necessarily war just not appeasement), less taxes, 5000 dollars for every working person to choose an insurance provider so they can compete for customers and people don't have an excuse not to get insurance, education vouchers for public schools so they will compete, keep military the most powerful, missile shield, drill here, alternative energy, invest in a diversified energy portfolio for america, fight terrorism, lower taxes for all, pro-life, pro some stem cell, prefers skin cell, anti-gay marriage (not opposed to gays receiving same benefits as heterosexual couples), pro-faith based organizations

    Obama: tax corporations, socialized healthcare, cut military, cut weapon adancement, won't do missile shield, negotiate with terrorists, tax the "Rich", lower tax for poor, lower tax on a portion of middle class, deeds to make up for slavery, extremely pro-choice ( I mean like ridiculously), pro stem cell, pro gay marriage (Although he says marriage is between a man and a woman,) , thinks the world can get rid of nuclear weapons, pro-faith based organizations

    There are lots of issues the candidates disagree on. They both want change though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain is down to earth about what needs to be done, Obama is still descending the staircase from heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're still trying to determine what change Obama has in mind other than copying the theme from Clinton '92 campaign.

    Been there done that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those aren't his main campaign issues...they're his mottoes.

    His main issues, are getting out of Iraq, subsidized health care, the economy and energy solutions.

    The difference between them are that McCain wants to stay until we "win", whenever that is, he wants HSAs (Health savings accounts) instead of SHC, and he wants to drill and use nuclear energy.

    Seriously, get with the program.

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