When do absentee ballots get counted?

I voted via absentee ballot last election due to being stationed in Japan, I heard those ballots were never counted. I voted again this time by absentee ballot, do they get counted right away?


I don't care if Obama won, this was a real question that I was seeking a real answer to, none of the negative comments were needed... geeze!
Thank you to those who were nice enough to answer nicely.


Oh, and I also got my absentee ballot a long time ago and sent it in. I just didn't know if and when they got counted, guess next election I will make the trip home to get my vote in. Congrats to the winner, I hope his "change" helps.


Favorite Answer

Meh the 2000 election was undecided for two weeks, but i wouldn't bet on a Mcain win. The media already decided the new leader

Kenneth M2008-11-04T21:42:32Z

Mailed absentee ballots are counted on Election Day in the Central Absentee Precinct (CAP). Many counties use optical scan equipment to count paper ballots. Please follow the marking instructions on your ballot and return it in the envelopes provided. Be sure to fill in ALL the information on Envelope B, including; your full name, legal address, your signature, your witness's signature and a date. Anyone, including your spouse, family member or neighbor, may serve as your witness. But if you've waited this long your a little too late lol. Good question!!!!


You are Military and your vote means nothing,as I just heard that absentee Military ballots won't be counted! I guess because they were mailed to you to late! If you voted for obama it was probably counted! Thank you for serving our Nation!

Coach McGuirk2008-11-04T21:40:10Z

I think the absentee ballots are only counted if the margin of victory for one candidate is slim enough that the absentee ballots could make a difference. Otherwise, they don't bother.

That's probably not true, but whatever...


this time around they were more organized in counting, and plus they urged voters to sent absentee ballots a little early- and you did that- so i guess your vote got counted,
Hopefully, Obama will change everything to the better and good future

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