why do people use online names such as "Jakesmum" or" Katesmom"?

I have re-asked this question because I saw it and it was a resolved question that did not have my answer! I have used a user name such as those and the reason was not because of lost identity. My becoming a Mom added to who I was it did not take away from it. I use names like those because I was and am still proud to be a Mum/Mom and always will be their Mom/Mum when they are here and when they grow up...once a Mom always a Mom!! :)

I hope 氷花 sees this.


its another side to it, ty. I just re-posted this question to show there are more reasons than being "lost for identity"


Favorite Answer

ok ive seen alot of Qs related to this1.the person is making fun of a friends by titling him or herself as lets say jakesmum/mom because they are implying that there mum/mom is good or bad in bed  lol its funny but sometimes seen very seriously2.or it is actually a mum of jakes that is on the computer using that username   (insert name here)mum/momhope this helps and dosnt confuse you