Do you know about this qualification to be president?
OK, calm down. I know that quite a few people still get fired up about the Obama "legal or not legal" issue. This isn't one of those questions.
Did you know that, if Obama had been born outside the US, it wouldn't be enough for his mom to have been a US citizen? His father needed to be either a US citizen or a US national that had lived at least one year in the US. BO the first (Obama's dad) was neither. But, with McCain's citizen parents, he could have been born anywhere, even Iran.
The question: does anyone know what the requirement is to go to school in Indonesia? I know that Indonesia is much more strict about non-citizen education than we are, but was BOII eligible for school in Indonesia simply because of his stepfather?
I'm not arguing the point that BOII is not eligible to be president, I just hope somebody can really clarify this curiosity question.