How would you analyze this dream?

I had a creepy dream last night. I dreamed I was in a store like Lowes and I looked up, this guy came in with a baseball bat and really scary eyes. Everyone in the store started running out and staring in horror. I looked behind me and saw more guys with bats and they were looking at me. It was like I was watching myself from above and also from the floor. I had two versions of this dream before I awoke.
1. The guy hit me and I saw myself get killed
2. I jumped on this chain hanging from the ceiling and climbed up. I pulled the chain up with me and was dialing 911. The guy threw the bat at me and I was trying to protect my head and it broke my phone. I somehow got the bat and batting the other bats at the other people. The police came in and stopped them. I came down and the cops started to hit me with the night sticks. I woke up.
What does this mean?


My marriage of 26 years ended last year. I just got through a health crisis and recently moved from Florida to Texas. I have not been able to get my career going, because of Ike. I have interviews in Dec that were put off.


Favorite Answer

Could just be a reflection of what is going on in your life at the moment. Sounds like things could be a bit unsettled for you and maybe somewhat out of control. You are not sure what the future holds but you are concerned that it could be not so good. You are not feeling like you have much control over things because you dialed 911 but the phone broke. Seeems like you are feeling that 'everyone' is against you right now.
Dont will all pass. Dreams seem to often exadgerate the reality of certain situations.


a lot of times, dreams are just your brains way of playing all your memories and thoughts from the day. Its like your day is a song and your brain is making and effed up re-mix. You think that you could have never thought about guys trying to kill you with bats but look deep into all the back thoughts you had and might have thought about that, and thouight about going to lowes (even if you didnt connect the twoo). In my experience dreams can also be premonitions or an exageration of your fears mainfested in a sleeping story line. dont get too worried though cause the likelyhood that, this will happen to you isnt very large. Think about it, im sure you can answer your own question


Death dreams often mean the beginning of suspense or trials in your life.

They can also show forthcoming finalities, like the end of a marriage or a career.


Did you recently do something bad/ illegal? You might be feeling guilty about it!


be careful pray!