what would this dream mean?
I had a creepy dream last night with two different endings. I was in a Lowes type store and this man came in with beautiful but scary blue eyes with a baseball bat. He was giving me a look of your dead. People started to run out of the store. I looked behind me for a way out and to make sure he was looking at someone behind me and there were more guys with bats.
1. I looked back to the front the guy hit me and killed me
2. I jumped on this chain hanging down and climbed up pulling the chain with me. I was calling 911 when this guy calmly threw the bat at me and broke my shoulder
3. I started this version over again and caught the bat got through to 911. Knocked the other bats away. The cops came and rescued me only to surround me with sticks. I woke up before they hit me.