What is your favorite place to visit and why?
Mine is California because I was born there and still have friends there. I live in New Jersey on the other side of the country but I LOVE CALIFORNIA and LOVE going there.
Mine is California because I was born there and still have friends there. I live in New Jersey on the other side of the country but I LOVE CALIFORNIA and LOVE going there.
Favorite Answer
Karri Valley in Western Australia. As soon as you get there you go into relax mode. Yo can stay in a challet so you can cook you own meals if you wish and wash your clothes, or there's a reastaurant. and each day the resort provides activities such as archery, craft, canoeing, trout fishing comps (its on a lake and they've separated fishisn, canoeing and swimming areas) mini golf, bingo or quiz nights, guided tours where they teach you about the native plants and animals.
If you have kids they hve a little ranger club, or younger kids they provide life jackets so they can go swimming out to the deep bit and jump off the pontoon. They also have a little animal farm thing where they can feed them.
I love California too! I lived their for a few years w/my aunt. It is beautiful! modesto, where I stayed has a variety of fruit orchards postachio orchards etc. their was actualy a vinyard not to far from where I lived aswell. I am determined to move back after I graduate ;)
You should check out the question I just asked their where some pretty cool sounding destinations:http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqjjmDkmsKR6AyoGT6fP14CDHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081120170345AAFZUvd
Shirley X
Fenghuang China
That little town is known as the most beautiful town in China!
Tokyo. I feel connected to it. It's so nice, and I love the culture and the way of life. I have some friends and a relative there.
kawaii gwi yeo weo
Bohol island