Whats wrong with my computer?

I just loaded Call of Duty- World at War to my laptop but when I went to play, the animation is very jerky (like it's in slow motion) anybody got any idea what would cause this. In case you can't tell I'm not very good with computers, I usually just use mine for e-mail and internet porn.


Favorite Answer

Stay off the porn, use actual videos, not the crap downloaded off the internet. This brings a lot of viruses into your computer, a lot of cookies, and a lot of pop-ups.
You may also need more RAM for your computer. Minimum for Vista is 2 gigs just to run properly on effectively. Just as an example.

Emma P2008-11-23T07:12:10Z

It could be a lot of things. Your processor might not be able to handle the game's requirements, the game might be taking up a lot of space on your hard drive, causing it to run slow, you could have multiple applications running, which makes the animation jerky. It could be those or something else. I know that when I play Zoo Tycoon with iTunes open, it can be really jerky and if I close it, it gets smoother. Try making sure other programs and such are closed.


check the system required on the game box. if the game required a system that really needs to run the game smoother and faster. like video card how many mb of gigs, ram memory and what's the prosessor of you lap top. umm.. i think the best way to play that game is on the pc. it is really comfortable to play.

Hornet One2008-11-23T14:29:06Z

with your internet porn, you've probably accumulated too much malware and spyware

Either that or your laptop is simply too slow.

without giving the spec of your computer, we cant help much


probably a video card that isnt powerful enough to handle the game, or you don't have enough RAM, check the system requirements and see if you have all those things

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