Bad posts / offensive answers?

Whay is it we don't report the people that continue to post negative and or offensive replies to honest questions? I was looking at a question that a lady asked, and she was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Someone replied that she should get her children some fake breasts for christmas. That is mind boggling that someone could actually say that to someone else. I guess it is easier for someone to offend others when they are hiding behind a computer. Anyone else feel this way, or am I making a big deal out of nothing?


Favorite Answer

You are not making a big deal out of nothing. Bottom line up front is some people are sometimes jerks. I'm not perfect either and have occasionally put some not so nice answers on some questions that I thought the person was just simply being lazy in asking instead of doing a couple minutes of research. Some people are jerks all the time though and they should be identified and removed from this forum. Just my humble opinion.


I always give them a thumbs down.
Many people here have no idea how to answer a question but they want points so they say something dumb and totally inappropriate.


You can always report it. I do. It is worth a try and alerting yahoo. If enough of us report it, it will get removed.