How can I quit smoking?

How can I quit smoking I really don't have a huge amount of willpower, and I'm only looking for answers from people who have done it, not from anti smokers.


Sco: thanks for the personal story on how you quit smoking. You are courageous to come right out and tell us.

Brenda A2008-11-26T05:29:35Z

Favorite Answer

I smoked for 15 years, and quit several times for months at a time... I tried everything in the book, short of acupuncture! I now take Chantix, and although it's only been a couple of months, it feels different than it has the other times I've quit!

I will try to explain: I don't have the cravings.. in fact, I rarely think about it! I haven't had to stop drinking coffee in the mornings, I can have a few beers without bumming one from someone, and I can take road trips... Those were the all the worse times for me when I'd want to smoke. I work in an office where the only time I can really get away from the desk is to go smoke (like many jobs), and I still don't want to smoke.

Aside from that, I haven't had any weird side affects. I just have to be sure to take it with food, or it will upset my stomach. Of course, everyone is different, so you may react differently. Good luck!!


since you smoke that much everyday, your body got adjusted having these poisons running ur body. That's why people with more serious drug problems can actually die by quiting abruptly. You hav to take decrease your amount of cigarettes maybe every few weeks or whatever you're comfortable with. The reason why you were coughing and stuff (tryign to not smoke) was because your body was so used to having 2-5 cigarettes a day. So each week you should decrease slowly from 2-4cigarettes, then another few weeks, 2-3, then so on.


This is going to be hard. I have tried so many things. I have tried cold turkey (don't recommend), narrowing down the amount of cigarettes that I smoke each day ( almost did it that way), wellbutrin (almost worked too).

My friends have had success with hypnotysm, chantix and cold turkey. I am so jealous of them.

Good luck


Patches, a change of daily routine and a VERY strong desire to stop worked for me after 20 years of smoking.

John C2008-11-26T05:16:40Z

Easiest way is to stop buying cigs, and stop hanging out around people who do smoke, it takes a very long time to break the habit. there are medications but they don't always work. Best advice is to try cold turkey first and then ask your doctor if you can control it.

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