Entwined - does it need help?

How do we know
when more is less
Less is more

How do we measure
Quality of quanity

Do we separate the two
Do we choose one, or the other

Do we balance it, or jungle it
dismiss it, accept it

For one it is everything
and to another it is nothing

For one it is backwards and meaningless
For another it is all encompassing,

It is, if nothing else, Perception


Thanks Bones it was a typo but either way it is a jungle out there lol !


Thanks all for your help, and nice comments.
Neonman thanks I like the help with the punctuation part!
Thanks Eyslund means alot to me!


Favorite Answer

Questions are intriguing! Step out of the mainstream and look in, from the outside, and all poetry is before you!

Good Morning!


A questioning type of poem. Unfortunately, grammar mistakes lessen the impact. Here is a redo of your offering to give you a different perspective. Punctuation can do a lot to make a poem flow.

Perception, Entwined

How do we know
when more is less,
less is more?

How do we measure
quality of quantity?

Do we separate the two
choose one, or the other?

Do we balance it, juggle it
dismiss it, or accept it?

For one it is everything
another… nothing.

For one, backwards and meaningless,
another, all encompassing.

It is, if nothing else, perception.


Yes and the reality is in itself a pointless exercise in perception for there are no absolute truths but only the micro manifestations of the collective conciousness guided by our self made prophecy ultimately resulting in our returning to the infinite set of buzzing atoms that do not care but act in a purely random, non determinable matter.

nice words

♪♫NancyLiz ® ♫♪ ™2008-12-10T20:24:19Z

Matters of perception always confound the question..somehow.


I'm going to have to agree with neon--punctuate. Nice content though, I like what it says/ask.

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