Need Hard Drive Help...?

I want to buy my son a XBox 360 for Christmas but I can't afford the one he wants, which is the Elite with the 120GB hard drive. My question is would it be the same thing if I bought him say a 20GB or 60GB Xbox console and then a separate 120GB hard drive made specifically for the XBox? I can actually get the smaller hard drive game console and then buy the larger hard drive cheaper than I can get the 120GB system for but I want to make sure it will have the same capabilities. time is running out!!


Favorite Answer

Yes you can buy the cheaper XBOX and put in a larger hard drive. People do this all the time. The type of hard drive that goes into a Xbox is a Laptop hard drive or a 2.5 size hard drive. Just make sure when you buy a new hard drive that it has a SATA connection.

The only difference between the different versions of the XBOX is color and the video output connections on it. So If you have a TV that has a HDMI port just buy the new version of the XBOX that has the HDMI port. If you don't know what kind of video connection you have on your TV then don't worry about it and get the cheaper model and buy a bigger hard drive. Good luck with your new XBOX and remember to keep it cool. They have a tendency to overheat and break.


Yes, I've done exactly that with my own x box and it worked out a whole lot cheaper


yes bit he will notice the difference you know...the elite is black and has more HD connentions...