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External hard drive vs. internal hard drive?

If you have an external hard drive, can you load a game into it and play it from there (as opposed to the internal hard drive)? Or, is the external hard drive just for storage and data transfer?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They both do the same thing, BUT...the External drive may be slower due to the type of connection it makes to the PC. IE: USB or Firewire is usually slower.

    Now if you are using an External ESata drive...then that might work fine.

    W/ Esata you won't see any lag etc. you just can't bring that hdd to another puter and play the game without reinstalling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The answer is esentially if its a USB external drive you will find it is best suited to storage and data transfer.

    eSata is essentially an internal drive as far as the mobo is aware.

    The issue here is the way the storage communicates with the processor and the Chipset on the Mobo. Internal orientated drives have a higher priority faster bus conenction to the processor and facilities like direct memory access to speed up transfer and operability. USB devices are on a more peripheral orientated set of interrupt requests.

    eSata essentially provides the best of both worlds but its only just out of its infancy really so its still a little pricey and quirky.

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally external drives are just used for data storage. The speed of USB is way slower than SATA or IDE connections.

    The only problem I see with installing games on it, is if you remove the drive then plug it back in, the drive letter may change on you. It might still work though...

  • xJ2k9
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can, but I don't recommend you do so. Using the external drive to install games or software may cause some problems, and you will definitely experience some lag.

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  • 1 decade ago

    u can use a external hard drive the same as any ordinary hard drive. There just outside your computer you connect them by either usb or esata.

  • 1 decade ago

    Exactly Right

    They are the same thing EXCEPT external are good for portbility but can cause clutter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you can use it like a internal drive. but you will experiance extremly long load times, and glitch's in game due to this.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're the same thing.

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