Do you beleive that Obama will be the Anti-Christ and start the seven years of hell for when the East Rises..
Which would be the Muslims and all of them..

This isnt a question to be rude, so please dont be rude to me.
This is just a question I'm confused my self about all of this talk..
So help me out.
-14 year old! :D


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OMG someone says Obama is not Muslim and sites wikipedia as their source!! LOL


I don't think we'll know who the antichrist is until everything has already taken place, meaning when we figure it out, it'll already be too late to do something because it is God's plan and His plan has to be carried out.
Do I think he's the antichrist? I don't know. Probably not. Hitler was a lot worse and almost destroyed all the Jews and could've easily been mistaken as the antichrist, so no, I don't think Obama is. But you shouldn't worry about this kind of stuff anyways.
Just trust in The Lord, and stop worrying about it!:) It says in His Word that we should not fear about the future. Live in the present and trust in Him. Ask Him for peace and guidance and He will give it to you. Put your faith in Him, because if you've accepted Christ as your Savior, you know that He will protect you and be with you in everything that passes:)
God bless!


And you did all of this for what ? Just became you say it so doesn't mean it is so . You are entitle to your opinion but not your own facts . If the presidential elections were held today President Obama would beat everyone of the potential GOP candidates by a margin of 12 points . Obama 2012


You are going to get a whole slew of different answers depending on what different individual people's religious beliefs are.
But for the most part I can tell you this much. For those that believe in things like armageddon, the antichrist, the rapture, etc. etc. There is no way of knowing for sure if he is or not until it's all said and done. So at this point, for those that believe, then it could go either way.
For those that don't believe. Then obviously he's not.
All you can really do is be strong in your own faith and reject things you hear, coming from anyone, that goes against your own faith and moral compass and you should do just fine no matter how it goes.


According to the Bible, the final battle will take place.

What exactly does that word mean? Well, it's actually two words: Har Meggidon, and it means "the mountain of Megiddo." Megiddo is a little valley in the region of Palestine. It's only 20 miles across, a little tiny place.

It was the crossroads of the ancient world. From here, you could take a road north into Europe, and you could take a road east into Persia or a road south into Africa.

All the roads of the ancient world met in this valley, and because they did, all the armies of the ancient world ran into each other in the valley of Megiddo. More battles have been fought there than just about any other piece of real estate on the planet. It was in this valley that Debra and Barak defeated the armies of Sisera. It was in this valley that Joshua, leading the nation of Israel, defeated the kings of Canaan. And not only did a lot of military

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