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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

obama obama obama obama?

who has a problem with Obama being the presindent and why.

i have recently noticed many many questions in this section are saying something bad about Obama why?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its all from the republicans, they cannot stand a black man in power. Dont worry about it.

  • 5 years ago

    And you did all of this for what ? Just became you say it so doesn't mean it is so . You are entitle to your opinion but not your own facts . If the presidential elections were held today President Obama would beat everyone of the potential GOP candidates by a margin of 12 points . Obama 2012

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama was elected with the help of a liberl slanted media who saught to blame everything on the previous president. Despite the fact that the Iraq war was something the vast majority of the public wanted, and congress both Democrats AND Republicans and despite the fact that every intelligence agency in the world told us Iraq had WMDs. People seem to forget these things. The media was still upset that Bush pulled out a victory in 2000. Now with room to be upset I can understand, but this was the medias time to shine. They turned Iraq into a body count. They politicized the war and now all of a sudden Hollywood made it "cool" to be anti war or anti Bush. Hollywood stars came out using their meager existance to push political agendas making it hard for Bush supporters in Hollywood. So now you have the 2008 elections. We have someone who thinks but really ins't a conservative (MCcain) and a canidate that had the media on his side before he even considered taking office. Come on, do you really think he gets the same treatment as Bush did. Had bush taken his wife Laura on an expensive date he would have been praised or criticized? Were people asking him questions like what enchants you the most about the presidency? Are people in the media giving him any kind of heat for anything he does?

    For these reason I mentioned above is the problem I have with him. I wont even get into the debate over keneysian economics vs free market capitalism. Its the medias and the publics obsseision with him. The notion that he will just make everything better, That the "messiah" is here and will make things better. Even though unemployment has gone above the rate at which his team stated would be WORSE CASE SCENARIO if the stimulus bill was not passed. But no one in the media asks these questions. Thats my problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he's a fraud. He's just telling people what they want to hear, like Bush did. He's just making Americans think that America is now run by Liberals, but it ain't. We're still leaning Neo-conservative. All that :"bringing back the troops home" or "fixing the economy" is plain rubbish. He's continuing both Bush's ideologies by having MORE wars in the middle-east. Iraq yesterday, Afghanistan today and Iran tomorrow. And CONTINUING to borrow 10's of billions from China to FUND the wars.

    Now i'm not bashing him cause he's a Democrat or etc and etc. But, if you take a look at it, he's not any different from both Cheney nor Bush. Because he's in fact RELATED to both of them.

    So much for "Change" eh?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I represent the college youth, I do not know anyone at all that is against Obama. In fact in alot of our classes the teacher and the students share a good laugh over how frantic and fanatical the

    people from the republican party want him out. We had a debate on what people think about who can bring the republican party back. No one could come up with anyone worthy.

  • 1 decade ago

    President Obama wil go down in history as the the greatest President the world has even known .The entire world is proud of him and everyone is rejoicing .Before he was president, he was a Harvard graduate... graduating at the top of his class ,he went on to become a law professor and professor of economics then into politics first a representative then a senator of a very large populated state of Illinios He is trying hard, day and night to bring us back from the point of destruction caused by greed and ignorance the past eight years... If Obama can not do it then nobody can... Give this courageous man your support!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is like the jerk at a bar that goes around hittin on all the women with this pick up line and that pick up line . In the morning they wake up and all realize they have just been screwed.

  • Allie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Obama is destroying our economy. Sure, it has leveled off, even though unemployment has continued to deteriorate. However, the afteraffects of Obama's policies will have us on our knees for generations.

  • 1 decade ago

    How could a 2 year junior senator lead the country. He does not have the experience needed. Sara Palin has more real experience than barrack husein obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't have a problem with it. i voted for him and i stand by my vote!! they are just sore losers and want some CHEESE with their WHINE! They hide behind their computer screens and cry about their lost! poor souls! LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    B/c there is nothing good to say about him or you would saying it in defense of him wouldn't you? 0-o

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