HELP?? I think I have IBS or something?

i was at a party on new years eve i woke up the next morning and i had severe intestine pains so i went to the bathroom felt better then on my way home my pain came back but i didn't go to the bathroom til the next morning the intestine pain stayed around all day then when i was going to bed at 3 in the morning last nite i couldn't sleep i was sweating so bad i ran to the bathroom but it took about 30 minutes for one little thing to come out and the pain was so bad i could have passed out went back to bed with moderate pain woke up this morning with some pain but soon as i moved the pain got worse then i went to the bathroom then about an hour ago i went again with serve pain again and now i can feel the pain lingering inside me it feels like gas and bloating so what could it be and what should i do?


Favorite Answer

I've suffered with IBS for years and this doesn't sound like IBS to me. The cramping and bathroom problems usually occurring right after eating, 30-60 mins. Sounds like you might have some sort of blockage or something. Go see your family doctor, if they can't figure it out go to s gastroentologist (stomach dr). They will probably want to do a scope so they can see what is going on inside. They knock you out and it is painless.


Could be IBS, could be something like diverticulitis (very painful - things get stuck in pockets of digestive system). Either way, you should see a doc. You're in a lot of pain and it's coming back at night a lot. That's not good.