What do you think of A 'Politically Correct' Rooster morning pome?

Jumble of a jumble of a
Much of everything...
If it leans, post it up.
And don't let the rain come down.

Woke to a storm of answers
To questions I never asked.
That ain't no dream!
Bush, economy, US blocks

Resolution about Middle East...
Think I'll go out to the coop...
Safest place to be!

Aw, hush it up, Snidely!
Ya got a craw full of bugs. You're lucky!
12 course meal walking on the ground!

That's called protein! Eat grass
As a salad. Suppose you want dressing!
Got a rooster with his nose

In the air, that's what!! Got your
'Pinkie' claw up, Mister All That?
And what would YOU do about Hamas?

Azores ain't taking a refugee rooster!
Oh, you'd be a military advisor?

Hey! Don't push the wings, bird...
Iran might take care of you!
Great, then! Now I got a

Hawk rooster! When'd you stop
Being Liberal?
Oh, you ain't seen nothin, yet!!!

Is it okay to say Good Morning, then?

Snidely, Snidely, stuff of dreams...

Good Morning! Good Morning!

Andrew M2009-01-04T02:46:18Z

Favorite Answer

Good Morning!!! Yallses!,,,Snidely strutting around the yard in full Commando gear All locked and loaded Ready to blow the HELL out of something or someone

Kate Alex Bahleef2009-01-05T04:27:01Z

If you are a Hamas rooster and shooting rockets into any body's back yard then you will have to be expected to get the chop. Then again you might be a poor refugee chicken trying to flee the coop. I say good luck to you in that case. There is no peace in the barnyard when chooks can't sort out the pecking order and settle for the grubs they've got.


So Snidely thinks he's top gun now. Ain't nothing worse than a rooster, hopped up on caffeine and corn, and armed to the tail feathers.
Good Morning.


Ah ! the Azores! one of the most peaceful and laid back places on this earth.
One of the few places i found that i could easily have relocated to instead of the U.K., but business called, and the dream was lost. There was another reason though, i was cruising and got caught in a force 10 storm, at sea and felt anything but at ease. The ups and downs of life then meant 40 feet rolling waves heading into port.

it's me2009-01-04T14:01:17Z

Good morning, been up for a while, but still not moving spryly.
It's comforting to know that Snidely is ready for just about anything.

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