Online Diet and weight loss forum?
Can anyone recommend an online diet and weight loss forum? (The sort of chat board thing where you join and chat back and forth by posting on a message board.)
I've recently started a nutrition and exercise program, and I'm doing well, but I thought it would be nice to talk with others who are doing the same. I guess I should mention I'm a guy, so I guess "women only" forums are out, and I'd prefer a place that is more about losing big numbers. I'm going for 70 lbs.
Anyhow. I see plenty of forums out there, but there are SO many, I thought it would be a good idea to get a recommendation.
(Please don't suggest I join Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or something I'm on a program and I like it. I'm just looking for an online community.)
I should have mentioned - I am looking for a forum that you are personally recommending as friendly and pleasant. Answers that just randomly post weight-loss websites are not useful at all. (Like the answer below, for instance!)