Would it be rude to...?

In a few weeks we're having a birthday party for my daughter who is turning 1. I'm making the invitations myself, so I had a question about invitation etiquette. Would it be rude to put on the invitation what size clothes she wears and what sort of toys she likes, so that everyone coming will know what to get her? That way they wouldn't have to guess or call me to ask. I just don't know the proper etiquette on that. I don't want to be rude.


Wow. I'm seriously surprised at how rude some of these answers are. It was a simple question that I asked because I didn't know and didn't WANT to be rude, and you guys are making me out to be a horrible person. Thanks a lot guys, now I feel much better.


Favorite Answer

Why don't you just send them a bill?


I think the answers were all trying to be helpful.

It is always hard to know how people will interpret your invitations. It sounds like you are putting a lot of thought into it and that is good.

I think the proper etiquette is to not say these things. The reason is because it can be interpreted as you expecting presents. I know you are trying to be helpful making it easier for your guest to buy useful, appreciated gifts for you daughter, and some may appreciate that, but you run the risk of it being interpreted the wrong way.

Not the Fallen2009-01-10T11:35:57Z

Birthdays or "Days of Life Gift" are known for people coming together to celebrate that the individual has essentially survived another year. I think you're missing the big picture in that your daughter is going to be surrounding herself with people who genuinely care about her and are happy she's in this world. People getting her a gift is really a courtesy and you should appreciate the thought that people put in.

I understand that you want to minimize challenges as far as sizes, and toys that your daughter will enjoy but I think putting such in the invitation would be a real put off.

Caitlin F2009-01-10T10:00:30Z

Just ignore the mean people, they're not worth your energy.

Listing everything out on the invitations would be a little weird, but having a registry is pretty standard. It's completely acceptable, even desirable, to let people know what kinds of gifts are appropriate for a 1-year birthday. They EXPECT to bring gifts and want ideas! I suggest you register at a few places, for example Toys R Us and Amazon, and list the links on the invitation.

Lady [AG]all good!2009-01-10T09:54:42Z

It is a little rude to put these things on a invitation. It sends the message that guests need to bring a gift to attend. Her birthday party isn't really for her, it's for you. At a year old, all the kid does is sleep through the party. Your baby will be happy with getting a big empty box as a gift. If it's about getting gifts you want her to have, take the money you're spending on the party and just go shopping for her. She won't remember the party anyway.

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