Seniors - When you go to see your Doctor. . . . ?

do you have to fill in a bunch of forms each time? I do and it's very annoying. And I've always wanted to know why they ask us women about our marital state. I put down single (I am actually a widow) and then I fill the box about children and put "5" ! Whose business is it if I am single, widowed or divorced? Is this state of affairs going to affect my health? I addressed this to Seniors but anyone may answer.


do you get a bunch of forms to complete? And for the women on here can you tell me why they ask if you are single, widowed or divorced? What does my marital status have to do with my health? I have asked this question of "professionals" on many occasions, but never got a pertinent answer!
This is addressed to Seniors but all my answer! Thank you. CJ


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I do not have to complete entirely new forms each time I visit my doctor; there is a short form that is used to verify and update some information and asks about the reason for this visit; but it's not like the forms used for a first visit.

Marital status, at least on the forms I've filled out, is a question for both men and women. That question is part of 'demographics' section; it is likely that your doctor is using standardized forms that includes those questions. Collecting demographic information is common; it helps provide a complete picture of a person which can help with diagnosing problems and developing a plan for treatment, this information is also used for infectious disease surveillance (for example reporting cases of the flu and complications), and also for research purposes. Surveillance and Research are not done for every patient or for each visit, but using one form for everyone is typical in many doctor's offices.


I only complete forms when seeing a new doctor, such as a specialist, for the first time. I have had the same GP for the last 12 years and my history, etc. is available on their computer. I was told years ago that if you were divorced or widowed and give single as an answer, it means that you were never married. I don't know if this still holds true today.
The information provided would give other insurance coverage besides your own, such as with a spouse.


I've tried many times to answer 'yes,' to the question of 'Sex.' I just can't get the nerve up to do it. I don't have to fill out papers each time, only if I go to a different doctor or facility I've not been to for awhile or seeing for the first time. There was one question recently I filled out at a new doctor's office. It said, is there any chance you could be pregnant? I answered, 'you're kidding, right?' Now you have me wondering until the next doctor visit to ask why they need to know a persons marital status. All these years and I never questioned it. Well by golly, I will now!


All the forms must be brought up to date every year. For a new doctor you have to fill out all those initial forms. So, if you're like me and have several doctors, it seems like I'm filling out forms all the time.

Your marital state would be of interest in how they are going to get paid, of course. Also, it could potentially be seen as a possible source of whatever your problems is. Anxiety from a death or divorce?
(That's kind of a guess.)

The number of pregnancies is particularly important regarding your health. Your problem could be hereditary. If you had written 5 pregnancies but all were miscarriages, your gyne MD would wonder about that.

I'm sure there are plenty of reasons I can't even think about. Everybody has to answer these. I suppose you could just write in, "None of your business." Or, words to that effect.


I too find filling out new forms a pain and I wasn't happy the last time it happened. They said it was because they had a new system and needed to have current info. Many people forget to tell them if somethings have changed in their life.
Wanting to know your marital status can have to do with mental problems you may be complaining about. It can also have to do with info a collections company would want if you don't pay your bill.
For a female and so called female problems the complaint can be connected to sex with a partner or no sex with a partner. How many children you have had can be connected to a complaint you have.
This is part of your medical history. This info gives the doctor a more complete overview of you and the more info they have the easier it is to deal with what you are coming to see them about. You are a complete person and not just one dimensional.
NOW, I agree its a royal pain and I don't like it either.
I must say my doctor treated me extra special as she got to know me and helped me through the death of my husband and afterward she has been so supportive and has encouraged me to get out there and get going.
I hope this helps.

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