Are some other members of the triad cowardly?

If APs that make multiple accounts to jump on this forum are cowardly, what about the others that do that as well? Is it cowardly for them, too, or just the APs?


So kate: why is it only an adoptee that can ask this question? It's immature to think that it's only okay for one group to do this, but not others.

Shelly P. Tofu, E.M.T.2009-01-21T06:10:55Z

Favorite Answer

Agreed. That was a lame dig at APs, when several of the adoptees here have multiple accounts as well, including the one who posted that question.



I am not sure what has happed that I missed out on but I will say that I think a lot of adoptee's have beed hurt very bad, there has been a lot of birthparents and their family members gotten hurt and misled by adoption. The pain coming out in anger and deceiption here will help no one. Everyone has a right to their opinon and letting their feelings be known. Just be honest and try to accept that sometimes the group needs to agree to disagree:)


Cowardly: "lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted". Doesn't really sound like anyone on this forum to me.

Would "duplicitous" be a better word for those who use multiple accounts to thumb themselves, vote for themselves, instigate a confrontation, or go trolling?


I've got a couple of accounts, I've never tried to hide the fact. Actually, they are all Randy B with the same avitar so its not as though I've even tried to hide them. I just use then for a few questions asked by people who feel it's easier to block someone they don't agree with then deal with what they may say.

Those that have different accounts to hide who they are though, regardless of who they are in the process or what their outlook is, are just wrong in my mind. If you have to hide who you are to make your point, whats the point?


Oh hell yes !!! I have been blocked by so many here that i open account to answer with my same user name. If i am not answering *you* (the person that blocked me) its because i am just bored of the repititive lashing out they do at PAP's and AP's and any one who says they are a happy adoptee.

I do feel honored too that people have blocked me ,i must have rattled so many cages here. I count them as victory.

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