Why is Obama closing Gitmo? Is he nuts?


Favorite Answer

Well excuse him for trying to do some good!


The previous U.S government violated human rights (yes even terrorists have basic rights as humans) The Bush Administration's policy in Gitmo went against everything America represented and destroyed our credibility around the world.

Obama is making things right again. If you believe what went down in Gitmo was acceptable you are Not a true American


Because that place holds suspects for being AL Quada member or other terrorist groups WITHOUT any of them given any sort of trial . Also he supposibly signed an executive order to close down the detention facility and not the the whole naval base.


Almost every man in Gitmo has not had a trial let alone been told why they are there. So like someone said before he may be closing the actual prison, but the the actual criminals will be transported and the rest will be given a fair trial


I noticed a lot of clueless LIBTARDS think the silly, mongrel bastard is doing the right thing somehow...

Obama is as naive as a child and as informed as someone who's lived under a rock his whole life...

Read the following by Dick Morris: "The Obama presidency: Here comes socialism"...

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