how much it would marijuana cost per ounce and how much do people generally buy each time?

i'm doing a report on marijuana and why it should or shouldn't be legal, in order to do this i need the most information on marijuana i can get. how much is needed each time marijuana is smoked? how much does one ounce cost? how difficult is it to find a good dealer? please let me know. thank you [:

Frankie V2009-01-30T11:09:18Z

Favorite Answer

If you have good people skills it isn't hard to find a good dealer. It is harder when you are in high school though. Once you're in your 20s and older you can get some connections to some really good dealers with brand-name weed .... Purple Haze, Northern Lights, stuff like that.

If you are in high school, the weed you smoke won't be that great.

An ounce of crap is $200 or less. An ounce of great stuff is $450 or more.

An eighth-ounce is what people usually buy. It's called an eighth. You pay between $20 (crap) and $60+ (great stuff) per eighth.

The standard eighth price is $40-50.

There is a culture where one person usually buys an ounce of weed, keeps an eighth or a quarter for himself, and sells the rest to people he knows. He will usually break even; therefore, he is smoking for free.

If you are smoking with friends every day, and eighth can last you a week or so. If you're smoking by yourself, it can last a few weeks, or more if you just like taking one puff when you smoke.

Weed is usually better and more expensive in New Jersey and New York.

Marijuana can cause depersonalization and derealization disorders, activate dormant schizophrenia, cause a panic attack, and can cause general paranoia and anxiety.

Sometimes these symptoms go away, and sometimes they don't.

It doesn't kill brain cells.

It doesn't cause cancer except in lab rats.

It contains carcinogens that don't affect humans.

It can make you lazy.

It can temporarily mess with your memory.

People can function normally while stoned. It is common.

Some people can't function while stoned.

It is legal for medicinal purposes in California and Oregon.

You can get a medical license to grow it in Oregon if you are sick enough.

It can be tough on the respiratory system.

Just about every radio song from 1965-1979 was written by someone who was stoned.

To get high you need one or two hits/puffs, which can be less than a quarter of a gram... most people smoke more than that though.

An ounce is 28 grams. An eighth is 3.5 grams. A quarter is 7 grams. Strangely, in some parts of the U.S. a dime is 1.7 grams.

It can be bought by the gram in cities and urban areas, or if the weed is really high quality. Crap weed usually isn't sold by the gram.

Good weed is called, in general: kind bud, KB, sinsemilla (it has no seeds), headies (great weed), nuggets/nugs (full flowers, not broken apart .... the the flowers are the part of the plant that is smoked), buds/bud (same as flowers), beasters (Canadian regular weed that high schoolers smoke), schwag (crappy Mexican brick weed that is grown in massive quantities and is sometimes brownish or greyish), mids (weed with seeds and stems ... which is bad), regs (regular weed... depends on where you're from) ...............................

You can't overdose.

You can't die.

You can get really high if you take lots of hits.

It can ruin people's lives if they don't use it wisely, just like alcohol or prescription pills or anything.

It is used by millions of people all over the world, but there is a stigma attached to it, so most people keep the fact that they smoke weed to themselves and their close friends.

Presidents, Senators, Congressman, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, students, moms, dads, and just about everybody else uses weed. Not all of them, but a lot of them.

It is very easy to obtain, no matter who you are.

You can cook it into butter and use the butter in food to get high.

It can have positive health effects.

Watch the documentary "In Pot We Trust." It isn't a perfect movie, and I don't agree with everything in it, but it makes some good points.

Weed was made illegal for lobbying/political and racist reasons in the late 30s. Jazz musicians would smoke it. Government propaganda made everyone think it would make you insane.

Marijuana is from the hemp plant, which is an industrial weed, which has many uses. Lobbyists in the 30s fought to illegalize weed so their companies didn't have to compete with hemp companies. So, it was given a bad name, slandered, lobbied against, and eventually illegalized.

In public schools, kids learn nothing about what marijuana really is.

Wow, I could keep typing about this forever.




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I just went on google and wikipedia and did some research. One ounce (28.35g) will cost you approximately $57. It's just as common to buy a $25 bag though, which contains 12.43g (which is just less than half an ounce). I have a friend who actually buys such $25 bags. It's not me. Heck, search my house. It's not me. A friend of mine though has about six years of experience buying for "occasional use." The street value of one pound is $909. ($20/$10g)(1kg/1000g)(2.2pounds/kg)=$9... If you know that, on average, 10grams costs $20 at the street price, then you can do the math from there. Obviously, with anything in the world, the more you buy the less you pay. Note: Remain only an occasional user, as everyday users experience long-term health defects.


Half of these answers I've seen are stupid.
I live here in San Antonio tx.
It's either your getting Basic (Reggie)
Or the good (Doddie) it doesn't matter if it's dro,kush, brand names, top shelf **** etc. if it's above Reggie here, it's doddie.
Reggie: Dime, $10, 6-7 Grams
Dub $20 12-15 grams
Ounce $45-55 28 Grams

Gram. Depending on the strain, around $10-20
8th usually $35-55 for 3.5G
Quad $70-90 for 7G
Half $110-170 for 14G
Ounce $230-300

When it comes to doddie It really all depends on who your dealer is. You can be getting TOP shelf, maximum potency medication for minimal price (which is what I usually get)
When it comes to Reggie it's pretty much all the same cheap stuff for a cheap price (it's sucks)


It all depends on the "grade" of the Marijuana. The more potent, the more the cost. Today the average for an ounce is between $250 and $600. The potency of the "pot" also will determine how much is needed each time to produce the desired "high". But I'd say around a gram. Not sure how hard it is to find a good dealer....but the cheap stuff is pretty easy to get hold of. Guess it also depends on where you are. Much easier to get in San Fran then in some other places. Hope this helps.

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