Can you pay your Wal-Mart credit card using a Wal-Mart gift card?
I am wondering if I can use my Wal-Mart gift card to pay part of my Wal-Mart credit card bill?
I am wondering if I can use my Wal-Mart gift card to pay part of my Wal-Mart credit card bill?
Favorite Answer
Absolutely not that is absurde. Where did you get an idea like that from?
Walmart Credit Card Manage
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generally gift cards are available for use immediately it may be that WalMart may have some internal procedure that takes an additional day for the funds to be credited due to the holiday why didn't you just put it into a regular Visa or Master card where you wouldn't have this problem? I would have CHECKED with WalMart first before I bought a gift card to see if you would be ABLE to make such a payment with their card. Sometimes Visa cards are restricted from making certain kinds of transactions. I would call the local WalMart and ask them about your issue and should you be unable to use the card for this, see if you can get your money back in cash
Steve T
Here's a trick that works for Macys. Buy something with your gift card, then return it and have them return the money to your credit card rather than to your gift card. Maybe that will work for Wal Mart too.