Sex 15 minutes a night for 10 nights in a row.?

Will having sex at least 15 minutes a night help you lose weight and belly fat??


Favorite Answer

Sex is an activity that can raise your blood pressure and heart rate- essentially it is cardio. Also, you are working muscles depending on "what " you are doing. Either way websites say that sex burns a variable amount of calories. Ive heard up to 200 calories per hour session. It depends on your diet, age, weight and obvious how vigorously you are going at it. Basically, any physical activity is healthy and will encourage your body to burn calories. Go to this website to calculate calories burned for particular activities.


Intense, rigorous sex for 15 minutes only burns about 9 calories


Well as long as it's cardio...

As long as your heart is pumping fast from the 'exercise' you are doing it will help you loose weight. There is no way to 'spot tone' your body. So it will not just particularly tone your belly but all over. I think that you would need to do it more than ten nights, though.


lol well in fact yes, having sex regularly can help you lose weight if your also eating right. sex is just like any other physical activity and you burn calories, now to how much you burn depends on how freaky you get lol, the more rigorous your doing it the more calories you'll burn. now i think you would have to do it longer than 15min for 10 days to see a serious effect, to see excatly how much you would need to do it for how much you want to lose go to this website and just fill out your weight and how much and it'll tell you how much you will burn, well good luck on your weight and tell your man that he is very lucky lol


Well i know i had sex two nights in a row and i lost weight but there is many diffrent reasons this could have happened to me. but you know my thought is if you want to try it and you have someone you want to do it with then whats stoppin you u could find the new best diet plan

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