I think I may have missed my chance to grow both from seed. I'm planning out my garden tonight and reading over their packets it says to start 6-8 weeks BEFORE frost.
I'm in NC and we're still having some cold weather mixed with warm days. Is it too late to start them? Is it before the first frost or last frost? I'm new to gardening if you can't tell :)
Favorite Answer
I am not sure where "NC" is. But you can start Parsley any time from mid march to August outside. This is early spring to end summer wherever you are. Soak the seed or water them with hot water when sown. This helps parsley to germinate - it can take 6 weeks.
Basil I sow the same time.
Sow both sequentially ( some in March, Some in April some in May etc) so you have a crop going through.
i think they mean start 6-8 wks before last frost so when they are 8 wks+ old they will be tolerant of the weather and frost bite free.
you can start them now. just expect a bit of a later harvest. no worries. i'm starting my seeds now and in 8 wks it will be well past frosty nights in my area of delaware.