Is this an existentialist question?
I just had one of those twilight dreams where the mind is simply downloading the mundane recordings of the day. Two relevant details: I load freight onto trucks. I then record the loads in a computer.
So in the dream, I have placed my hat on one of the skids I'm loading. Next, I am still in the truck, but wondering: If I close this file, will the hat still be there when I reopen it? Because the hat is real, as opposed to the data of the freight.
This is not a question, as such. But I will choose the most interesting comment upon it. All perspectives encouraged to reflect. Are you a Jungian interpreter? Does it remind you of a song, a movie, a book? An original thought? You know. Like, whatever.
In my mind, the hat is real, because it is always there. It's a part of my life. The freight, not so much.
How does this relate to anything in your world?