Is this an existentialist question?

I just had one of those twilight dreams where the mind is simply downloading the mundane recordings of the day. Two relevant details: I load freight onto trucks. I then record the loads in a computer.

So in the dream, I have placed my hat on one of the skids I'm loading. Next, I am still in the truck, but wondering: If I close this file, will the hat still be there when I reopen it? Because the hat is real, as opposed to the data of the freight.

This is not a question, as such. But I will choose the most interesting comment upon it. All perspectives encouraged to reflect. Are you a Jungian interpreter? Does it remind you of a song, a movie, a book? An original thought? You know. Like, whatever.


In my mind, the hat is real, because it is always there. It's a part of my life. The freight, not so much.

How does this relate to anything in your world?


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Then, there might be something complicated about the downloading... like the classification of what to upload with a questioning of what is mundane. The "two relevant details" seem like they're simply an irrelevant that lead to more of an existentialist question... why be downloading such recordings if not for a questioning of whether or not they're existent enough to be known about and recorded?

Next, if not for a questioning of "on" or "in" the truck, there might not be as much of a reason to know what to classify the trucks as.
... to answer whether or not the hat would still be there...
why compare the statements/questions "IF I CLOSE this file" & "WHEN I REOPEN it" to the wondering of what would be more real?
... Whether the hat is "real enough" could be a better question. It sounds like the making of the statement that the hat is thought of as real only to oppose a certain set of data from being as real.

Existentialism isn't the question if it weren't only a comparison of an amount of realism or what was known as real.
Would the question still exist if it were really about choices and the amount of interest that the comments or answers could attract?
If it's about "speaking the same language" or being the most understandable, then another question is whether or not whom it is taking the interest in the comment is real important, similar to speaking the same language in the language's familiar accent.
It reminds me of inspiration, an envisionment, a detailed observation.

Sometimes thoughts are original enough to consider hoping for there originality to be more real.


My brain is just as interesting to me as yours is to you. It just works differently.