Why do cartoon characters always wear the same clothes ?


Favorite Answer

It's because,
1) It's easier to have one outfit per character
2) It's how the viewers identify the character. For instance, wouldn't shaggy from scooby doo look wierd in shorts, tennis shoes, and a graphic tee?


Because it is a fictional character always wear the same clothes in every cartoon series.


Because there is not enough budget for their outfits since they waste a lot of money in the special effects and backgrounds, lol. Or the characters just love to play with their favorite clothes in every chapter, lol. Well, it is just more in cartoons. Anime characters do change a lot their clothes.


because it would take too much effort to have a different outfit for every episode. and also some characters only look right in one outfit. sure they could just have seven different outfits, but that would get confusing and they could screw up the clothes cycle. i think the clothes that go with the character also help contribute to their traits and personality. even though that is a good question, the answers are pretty simple.


diverse motives. a million) It creates a picture which you understand. in case you notice bald yellow head, white shirt and blue denims, that is quickly Homer Simpson. 2) Animation could be incredibly reused. this would not constantly artwork out nicely nevertheless, as an occasion in Rosario to Vampire Capu2 episode 9 the male character had taken his good off and placed it down on the floor of the cave. A 2nd later he grew to become into donning it lower back without putting it lower back on or shifting. 3) that is extra handy to entice an identical element repeatedly.

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