Is it too late to plant onions?

I have around 240 onion bulbs and haven't planted them yet. I didn't think it was time yet but just read the back and it says fall to spring planting. I'm going to get in on the back end of planting season for them I guess.

So the question is.. how late into the year can you start planting them. With so many bulbs I was wanting to space out planting over a number of weeks. If I start planting them this week how many more weeks will I have of planting left?

I'm in Cary, NC around zone 7/8 it looks like.


Favorite Answer

Now is the perfect time to plant onion bulbs. Onion seeds should be planted in fall, but for bulbs. Plant now.

Hope this helps

Charles C2009-02-21T19:14:36Z

Since they say Fall to Spring they are most likely short day types and may not form very large bulbs before they mature. But by all means plant now. I like them fresh when the have smaller bulbs and the tops are still green. Great for cooking.