How to sync itunes music to mp3 player not an ipod?
Ok I have a Sansa fuze mp3 player. My mom bought me an iTunes gift card, I downloaded a song from itunes. The problem is my mp3 player syncs using windows media player and I don't know how to put my music from itunes on windows media. Do you know how? Is itunes just for ipods? I'm sorry if this makes no sense.
Favorite Answer
As the music in iTunes is encrypted with DRM, you cannot directly put it on any non-Apple MP3 player. The easiest way is to burn the music to an audio CD and then rip it back to Windows Media Player or a similar program as an MP3. Or you can get some software to help you. I use TuneClone to do this. Though not free, it is very well worth a try.
Below is its step by step tutorial about how to get iTunes 8 music converted to MP3:
Unfortunately you can't directly sync music from iTunes to a non-iTunes player since iTunes uses a different file format. You have a couple of options - either find a converter program that will convert the iTunes (m4a) files to mp3 or burn the music onto a CD using iTunes and then import it into Windows Media Player like you would any other CD.
nope, i dont think so. only apple ipods can sync with itunes. just save up enough money, maybe 200 dollars and get the nano, its only like 157.99 for 4 gb. thats pretty good in my opinion.