Who the hell is this Bobby Jindal is he running for president in 2012 he is a joke.?

Sassy One2009-02-24T19:52:42Z

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He definitely is not who I thought he was. If this is all the Republicans have, other than Huckabee and Palin, they better get back to the drawing board.


Bobby Jindal is the GOP's lame attempt at promoting someone new, young, and minority to combat their image issues with the American public. Unfortunately, they're still regurgitating the same crap they were before, so a figure head is not what they need.


That was not Bobby Jindal. That was an outtake from the movie "Mars Attacks!" with the interpreter machine turned on.


No he is not he is a excellent choice. he has great knowledge and he is going to win alot of votes. If he chooses sarah palin as vice -president. Acuttally he is the speaker of the house so he will will lots of lot in the house minority so if he can get states like calfornia,texas and flordia which are republican he ha a good chance of winning, And he is more expercine then Obama and he is the governer he has lots nore knowledge

frank a2009-02-24T23:28:25Z

He looks familiar... I thought I seen him on Chris Hansen's Dateline
"How To Catch A Predator".. he got tazed trying to run out the door

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