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Who the hell is this Bobby Jindal is he running for president in 2012 he is a joke.?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He is the governor of Louisiana.

    He might run in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bobby Jindal is the current Governor of Louisiana, he has been since 2008, and before that he was in the US house of representatives representing Louisiana (2005-2008). I don't know about him running in 2012.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bobby Jindal supports all of the following ! Don`t agree , then continue to send your cash to Washington DC

    Source(s): Republicans Offer Alternative Stimulus Plan Creates 6.2 Million Jobs January 29, 2009 – Republicans are offering alternative economic stimulus amendment to President Obama’s $1.1 trillion spending bill. House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH) discussed the Republican versus Democrat plans on Meet The Press last Sunday. According to Boehner, “We can’t borrow and spend our way back to prosperity but what we can do are provide incentives to businesses and families to reinvest in our economy.” The Republican proposal focuses on tax cuts and tax incentives for individuals and businesses in order to help get the economy back on course. The Republican proposal will: Create 6.2 million jobs. Reduce individual tax rates from 15% to 10% and from 10% to 5%. A married couple filing jointly could save up to $3,400 a year in taxes. Permit small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20% of their income. This will free up funds so businesses can retain and hire new employees. Small businesses often pay as much as 35% of their income in taxes. Avoid any tax increase and reduce government spending. Make unemployment benefits tax free. Currently, unemployment benefits are taxed as income. Unemployed workers lost approximately 11% of their unemployment benefits to the federal government. Propose giving home-buyers a credit of $7,500 for buyers who can make a minimum down-payment of 5% on a home. Republican Senator Speaks Out On Stimulus Package Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning to discuss the Obama stimulus package and Republican alternatives. Some of his comments are reprinted below: On A Stimulus Package: “..I think most of my members believe if you put money straight in the hands of individuals and businesses that will have a quicker stimulative effect than having the government spend it on projects, particularly ones that are likely to spend out in year three and year four.” On Republican Stimulus Proposals: “We've been offering suggestions. If you want a quick answer to the question what would I do, I'd have a payroll tax holiday for a year or two. That would put taxes in the hands of everybody who has a job whether they pay income taxes or not. And, of course, businesses pay the payroll tax too, so it would be both a business tax cut and individual tax cut immediately. Number two, I would make the money to states a loan rather than a grant. Otherwise you're going to see a lot of mob museums and water slides. Everybody at the state level has been making their list and checking it twice, and we're going to end up with some very embarrassing expenditures.” On The Democrats’ Trillion Dollar Spending Bill: “Well the way it's looking in the House at least, a number of things bother me about it. I think it's probably going to fall well short of the mark of what the Speaker just said a year ago, the principle that ought to apply to stimulus, temporary, timely, targeted. A lot of this is going to spend out over a very lengthy period of time and not have much of an impact in the short term.” “I want to be open minded about it because we haven't actually drafted it in the Senate yet. I think the house package looks pretty bad.” On the President’s Stimulus Proposal: “We're looking at the substance of this, and at least the substance, as defined by the Congressional Democrats at the moment, seems to fall well short of what a stimulus package ought to be.” On The President’s Desire for Republican Support on the Stimulus: “Well I think the President would like to govern from the center. The question is whether the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate will let him. They have majorities in both the House and Senate. They're going to pull him to the left. On The Democrats Saying The Economy Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better: “Well I think there's a political goal there which is to make any kind of improvement, no matter how marginal, appreciated. And to make it look like the new administration got it done. It's a little bit like the rooster taking credit for the dawn. At some point this is going to get over with, and the issue in the short term is, can we, the government, do something effective to help make that shorter?” Rep. Gohmert Offers Tax Holiday Before Congress adjourned for Christmas vacation and New Year’s, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) offered legislation to create a two-month tax holiday for all Americans early this year. The proposal would give all Americans two months of no personal income taxes or FICA taxes as a way of stimulating the economy. “Just give taxpayers their own money to catch up on their payments. Those in lower income brackets who are hit the hardest by the FICA tax would see huge money back, and then THEY could choose who should benefit from their hard earned money. Even the self-employed and small business owners would receive a fantastic amount of the
  • 1 decade ago

    He's the Repiglicans answer to Obama.

    It's disgusting really. Their naked and transparent attempts to pander to voters.

    Here's a question for the right wingers. If government is such a burden on the economy, why are so many of them clamoring to be a part of it. Why don't they do us all a favor and go get "real jobs" that "produce wealth" instead of just sucking the blood of the taxpayers.

    Put your money where your mouth is neocons.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bobby Jindal for President?

    And his battle cry is "GOP screwed you up. We will not screwed you up again. Trust us, but no apology."


    Ok, quit the joke already its not funny anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jindal made the better speech of the evening.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why the hell have Democrats got their panties in such a wad over this Jindal guy, as if they completely forgot their own president's address just before?

  • 1 decade ago

    Bobby Jindal is a democrat, and the Governor of Illinois.

    I doubt he will be elected the Democratic candidate, i believe they will re-elect obama for the democratic candidate. Just because he is an indian/arab doesnt mean hes a joke, but i do believe he is not president material.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Did you see the two speeches. I'm speechless.

    I guess its Bobby Jindal with Sarah Palin as a running

    Good luck righwingers!

    he he

  • 1 decade ago

    He is the one of the leading brains in the republican party and no, he is not a joke.

    Jindal '12 Baby!

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