I am writing my English Composition 2 research paper arguing that the American Civil war is taught wrong ...?

schools? (They teach that it was fought to free the slaves). What books and websites would you recommend me checking out? Any advice?


Unfortunately due to my lack of being on the internet the past few days I can't choose a best answer. But I did want to thank all of you for giving me a little bit more of a direction and help.


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I would start with google and see if you can find a site with the Republican Party Platform from 1860. If you can find it, you will find that the Republican Party ran on an agenda of stopping slavery in the territories not the immediate abolition of slavery.

You may also want to google for Lincoln speeches. In the early part of the Civil War, Lincoln's emphasis was on the preservation of the Union.

While the historical record shows that preserving slavery was the reason for the rebellion, ending slavery became one of the objectives only around the middle of the war (after the Emancipation Proclamation).

It's not that it is being taught wrong, just sloppy.


the actually recognize that existed between the 1860s and Sixties become the phobia of the uncomplicated enemy, the Germans, then Nazis and eastern contained in the international wars and then the "commies" when you bought into the hype. All else turned right into a conflict between the privileged and under no circumstances. Governments have tried to create an enemy with mixed outcomes. Wars seldom heal wounds without significantly replacing one participant. (See WW2 the position Germany and Japan replaced in truth.) you nevertheless see human beings waving the accomplice flag and some doing so save the unique values. i do not imagine social and political communities act interior a similar way as playground youthful little ones. extremely the opposite. Wars can create bitterness that divide human beings for generations.


Look at the Lincoln Douglas debates. Lincoln stated during those debates he had no intentions of wanting to end slavery. He just used it as an excuse to invade the south and install himself as the first dictator of the United States.


Websites: none. Those are not appropriate for an academic paper. Period

Books: Foner, Eric. "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men"
This is the finest history on this topic in existance.