Why does my browser all suddenly close?

It seems my browser will close all sudden when I am in the middle of something. I've check every thing I know to check, ran my virus program, etc. I am out of ideas on what to check. Any idea's? It is getting really aggravating, it doesn't do it just once a day but many many many many many many times.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2009-03-06T07:42:40Z

Favorite Answer

It is possible that you have a bad cache file. Clear your history, temporary files (be patient) & cookies, then restart the computer and retry. This HELP link has instructions: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/yahoomail/settings/settings-13.html .

Also, be sure you have the latest versions of Java & Flash downloaded and Java scripting enabled.