What do you think of my poem which deals with the Holocaust and my dark side?

Survivor’s Luck

Now that we have left the century of the Holocaust
we have an outpouring, flood of Holocaust art -
movies, memoirs, plays, installations
And yet we know even if we are moved,
we cannot know if we weren’t there

My friends or so-called friends drain me
I wouldn’t mind throwing them
into the fiery pit of my mind
to be destroyed there
And would I have survivor’s guilt
if I did

If I will be honest,
I am also a so-called friend
Would I visit the latest memorial to the 6 million
or join the March of the Living
Or am I just a so-called Jew
Pretending to feel the horrors

My friend’s father,
a Holocaust survivor
told his story,
sitting in the kitchen
to friends and family
I sat in the living room, watching
I would not get up
I would not join them
I would not finally witness his story

Was it fear
Was it sorrow
Was it a form of my so-called sensitivity
Or some kind of perversity saying like a devil,
even in the horror, you are unwelcome

So I don’t know his story
from sheer willpower not to know
I do remember hearing the word “luck”
Of course, it had to be luck
He didn’t know how he survived
He was just lucky

And I am lucky too
For I have survived
the horrors of my mind

Chew JL2009-03-09T07:30:11Z

Favorite Answer

Disturbing but well written. This shows you are brave and face problems head on, as can be seen by your scathing poem on a dark section of history. This also shows how you, a Jew, see things the way it is and not hide everything under the carpet. The world needs people like you.


It concerns a non secular and actual haunting. Xenogeny: Giving beginning to some thing unusual, a distant places (extraterrestrial or from yet another measurement) existence. it would additionally be our hidden fears, oppressions that are accumulated and directed in direction of some thing threatening and unsightly. Boat, hollow decrease on throat. Slaughtered? Or drowned to death? Rusty disposes in direction of some thing steel and previous. In a wild attempt of guessing, this good be Ares, the pink planet, packed with iron corrosion, rust yet with out environment. nevertheless to have rust, pink, potential there develop into Oxygen returned then, returned then it develop into, a memory of Ares, ineffective now, inhabitants choked to death without a appropriate environment to breath from. i'd desire to be a techniques out out of your suggestion, yet as consistently, I offered a logical clarification. you're a charismatic author, a chum and a brother.


An interesting read, but I don't pretend to know the horrors of the holocaust, nor do I believe the writer could possibly grasp the depth of its inhumanity.


"Get someone well knowledge to tell you" MEANS he doesn't know what he's talking about. And of course he says that after he critiques something he knows nothing about, LOL!
All you need is more experience, keep working hard at it and you will do fine!


Wrong category. Put it under Poetry. But to answer your question about the poem, I think using the work "luck," or "lucky" insults all those who suffered and died in the holocaust.

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