... does the steady on light for engine check also indicate something wrong w/ tranny ... front wheel drive automatic ... there is also a thump when gears are shifted from park to drive ,, also when driving the gears go thru their shifts there is also a thump feels like a letting go
Richard S2009-03-10T13:38:34Z
Favorite Answer
The check engine light is designed to come on when a sensor detects an out of parameter condition. Meaning; if the allowable voltage to a device is 5 volts plus or minus 1/2 volt and the computer sees 4 volts, it has detected an out of parameter condition and turns on the check engine light. This is only one example of what the computer can detect, the possibilities are numerous. A DTC = discovered technical code will set in memory and can be retrieved with a scan tool, this can then direct the technician towards the cause of your problem. Auto Zone will retrieve those codes and then you will have an ides of what you are up against. PS, they do this for free.
Yes. On a newer car the check engine light 'could' be because of something in the transmission.
A thump sounds more like an engine/transmission mount though. Take it to an Autozone and have them pull the code # and come back and ask about that. (while at autozone, do not listen to any of there advice. just get the code #)