Can humans fly????????

Can humans fly without machines???

Frank N2009-03-14T15:14:11Z

Favorite Answer

The best known example of human-powered flight is the Gossamer Albatross. With nothing besides the human body, humans can 'fly' (travel through the air) but not sustain flight. With lightweight clothing to form airfoils, sky divers can perform complex gliding maneuvers, and can extend the time of freefall. If your definition of 'machine' isn't too broad, then a human can use a hang glider to stay aloft indefinitely, as long as wind currents cooperate.


Leonardo da VInci was trying to use 500 year old technology.

In 1979 a human-powered machine flew more than 22 miles (mostly over the sea) from England to France, and a solar-powered human-carrying aircraft has flown more than 160 miles non-stop.


Not only can't we fly without machines, we can't fly using a human-powered machine. Da Vinci tried his best.


Sure - I fly in all of my dreams


Yes, but only down. Well they might spin a little.

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