Do you know the difference between Socialized Medicine and Health Insurer Reform?

Socialized what Britain has with the NHS. It means government controls everything in the medical system - every hospital, etc.

Nobody is fighting for Socialized medicine in the USA. Nobody wants it.

Health Insurer what the Clinton's wanted in the 1990's and what most plans are based on now.

Health Insurer reform would allow EVERYONE to pick ANY health insurance plan. Along with all the private plans - BCBS, etc - you could also choose Medicare or Medicaid. This means MORE competition in the industry and cheaper rates overall.

The only reason Big Insurance is fighting this is because they know that their current 'administrative costs' (mostly due to profits) would shrink. Right now that 'administrative cost' is around 20 to 25 cents per dollar, compared to Medicare's administrative cost of 2 cents per dollar.


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In Britain there is a private and public system, and the private sector works within the National Health Service operating Independent Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs), GP's generally run their own practices, hospitals and health authorities also often employ private management companies and contract out services to the private sector, whilst patients have a choice as to which hospital (NHS and Private) and even doctor they wish to see under the NHS Choices Scheme.

Current NHS ISTC Providers include the following private companies Alliance Medical , Care UK ,Circle , Clinicenta , Netcare Healthcare UK , Nuffield Hospitals, Partnership Health Group, Ramsay Healthcare UK and Spire Healthcare

The NHS has also cut medical drugs costs by operating a Parallel import Scheme and opertaing within European and Global Pharma Markets.,2109,21-0-0-MAY_2003-focus_news_detail-0-76541,00.html

There is a private healthcare market in Europe, with cities such as London having world famous private treatment centres such as Harley Street and numerous private hospitals.

It should also not be noted that opticians and dentists in the UK are mainly operated as private practices, with only children, pensioners and those on welfare receiving free treatment. Psychiatric Care in the UK is also increasingly run by the private sector as are nursing and retirement homes.

European Health Care is often run by private companies, indeed most of the hospitals in places such as France and Germany are run by private companies, it is only coverage that is universal.

"To grasp how the French system works, think about Medicare for the elderly in the U.S., then expand that to encompass the entire population. French medicine is based on a widely held value that the healthy should pay for care of the sick. Everyone has access to the same basic coverage through national insurance funds, to which every employer and employee contributes. The government picks up the tab for the unemployed who cannot gain coverage through a family member."

steve M2009-03-16T19:19:33Z

Your wasting your time, The same morons who screamed "Socialist" at Obama during the election had no clue what the word meant then and still don't, more than likely never will ! All they know is that Rush Limpballs uses the word in a derogatory tone when referencing our new President and his plans. The quality of health care received by Americans is greatly effected by the Insurance Co.'s bottom line. The higher the profits for the insurance Co.s the lower the quality of the care we receive.
Health care reform is aimed at getting Americans better treatment at a lower cost. As you made clear the insurance Co.s would rather watch children die than to pay for so called "experimental treatments". Obama is just F-ing AMAZING! I never thought i would live to see a president who placed the "People" above the lobbyists and the Big $ they represent. You Go Obama!


Yes. These reforms are not about socialised medicine. It is about making every American getting cover with health insurance. But then I know the facts on this as opposed to so many who have fallen for the lies and half truths of the right. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [a] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [b] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [c] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [d] FACT - Obama was elected to bring in change [e] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies screwing the American people [f] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland [g] If anyone can prove the facts above are wrong, e-mail me and let me know.


Thank you Carl. Maybe now the clueless republican cabal will understand. Ten points to you!