Why are repubs taking credit for programs when they voted against funding?

Are they hypocrites?



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the same reason nancy pelosi cries about global warming and how horrible the evil corportations are for polluting our earth. yet she leaves a bigger carbon foot print than most. is she a hypocrite? Answer.. yes they ALL are.

Red-eye Coyote2009-03-22T07:22:44Z

I'm doubting that you understand what politics actually is, and it looks to me like you think this and what you see on television is what it is. If it were they would all be liars, but that's not really accurate. Of course he voted no, but the stimulus went through, I may have missed the part where he took credit for "safe and navicable harbors", but if it were you which way would you go with your introductory speech. "I was wrong, we're building harbors and I'm a dummy" or "I feel like our community needs *blah blah blah*". It's fine with me if you want to give me a thumbs down and continue to be combatative, if that's all this is to you. But I somewhat take it upon myself to give people the benefits that I have gained from my years of political discourse and leadership training. Moreover, that nobody is always right all the time, and that this is all a process. You cannot start out knowing all that there is to be known, you learn it over time.


For the same reason they took credit for increased rates of minority home ownership all through the Bush administration but now want to blame the sub prime housing crisis on Clinton.


"For the same reason they took credit for increased rates of minority home ownership all through the Bush administration but now want to blame the sub prime housing crisis on Clinton."



If no Republicans gave out earmarks while the Democrats did, they wouldn't have been voted back in. If they give out earmarks, they're hypocrites.
Its a lose lose situation so don't blame them for an inevitable loss.

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