If you were dating a guy you thought was a great catch and you were in love with him, and every date ended wit?
every date ended with you having consensual sex with him and getting drunk, passing out and waking up a few hours later, when he takes you home. Would you keep doing this, or worry about what went on while you were asleep?
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I've always had more sense than to get drunk and pass out on a regular basis...in fact I've never done it (and I've been drinking for 26 yrs).
I'd say a person who habitally passes out because they are so drunk, isn't very smart to continue that behavior and by doing it accepts the inherent risks. If she goes to bed with her wits about her, she won't need to worry what goes on while she's sleeping...will she?
uhm, that honestly doesnt sound right to me at all. why get drunk, when you can take the time to actually remember what happens. something special could happen. and you might not even remember.