The last 5 (or so) books you read that had some effect on your political views?

Also note where you fall politically.....if you align with a party or ideology.

Just to be fair:

Civil Libertarian / Democratic Socialist (not really a Democrat)

Nudge: Improving Decisions
Rise and Decline of Nations - Mancur Olson
Supercapitalism - Robert Reich
Conscience of a Liberal - Paul Krugman
Hegemony or Survival - Chomsky

It came with the frame2009-03-25T01:19:44Z

Favorite Answer

The Crystal Shard
Streams of Silver
The Halfling's Gem


Commerce and Coalitions: How Trade Affects Domestic Political Alignments by Ronald Rogowski

Chick-A- Deedle2009-03-25T08:11:49Z

Common Sense by Thomas Paine
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake
Handbook For the New Paradigm - author unknown
The Hammurabi Code
The Enuma Elish
Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
The Diary of Bobby Sands by Bobby Sands

Vote Republicrat2009-03-25T08:08:43Z

ha, I just answered a similiar question... here's my list again:

"A Living History of America", by Erik Bruun and Jay Crosby

"The Coming Economic Earthquake", by Larry Burkett (published in 91, outlining what is going on right now)

"America's Constitution, A Biography", by Akhil Red Amar

"Young Patriots", by Charles Cerami (About Hamilton and Madison)

"The Revolution: A Manifesto", by Ron Paul


The Iran threat
The world is flat
Palestine peace not apartheid
say it like obama


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