Who do you think is the luckiest person in the world alive today, and who is the unluckiest?

I was reading the Bangkok Post today and there was this story about a Japanese man who was visiting Hiroshima on business on 6th August 1945, the day the first Atom Bomb was dropped. He survived the blast and after a day in hospital he decided to leg it back home to Nagasaki. No sooner had he arrived home than a second Atom Bomb was dropped on top of him. He's still alive today and I was just wondering if he was the luckiest man alive or the unluckiest man alive, or both.

karen star2009-03-25T07:39:17Z

Favorite Answer

The answer would lie within the man himself. To what use did he put his two miraculous survivals?

Luck isn't in what happens to us. We all face opportunities and we all face trials. Luck is what we make of those events.

When we adopted our son, a casual acquaintance who knew of his situation said, "that boy just hit the lottery." I asked what he meant, and he said, "He could have been raised in poverty and lost to an early death. Now he'll have opportunities his family could not have imagined for him." So was his luck in being born into a family that recognized they couldn't provide for him and thus put him up for adoption? In our being his adoptive parents? In his being adopted shortly before a hurricane ravaged his birth community? In my being unable to have more children through natural biological means?

Personally, I think his luck is in his personality. He faces every day with a cheerful anticipation. He finds good in every day. I hope that continues. We should all be so blessed as he is in that cheerful demeanor.

And I'm the really lucky one here, to be blessed with him in our lives.


wow, that woman (i use that term loosely) is a moron, that is also a disgusting 'human' being that does not know anything. she is a small minded cow (cows could out smart her). She must be a fangirl of the President of Iran. She is an Anti-Semetic pig. So, she is against of a nation defending themselves. Wow! Why is Roseanne even thinking that people want to hear the opinion of a washed up has been of the 90's. I despise that hag!


Few know that he assumed he had used up all his luck and decided to leave Japan. In the 50s he moved to the Bikini Atoll!

Subcomandante Insurgente Steve2009-03-25T08:26:52Z

Socrates was once asked if he thought that a very rich and powerful man was happy. He replied, "I do not know, because I have not had a chance to talk to him."


umm... I say he is the luckiest person because he survive the bomb attack.

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